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CEO says his ‘most successful hire’ had zero experience, no resume. Read post

A CEO’s post on his “most successful hire” has gained widespread praise on LinkedIn. In a post, Tasleem Ahmad Fateh, the founder of a ghostwriting agency wrote that he hired an applicant who had zero experience and did not even submit a resume.
“My most successful hire had ZERO “experience”. In pure Gen-Z style she didn’t even submit a resume. Instead she did something a lot better,” he wrote in his viral post.
Instead of sending a CV, Fateh said that she made a “video application” which showed why she should be hired and posted it on LinkedIn.
“I hired her over 800 other applications. Fast forward 6 months: She is now an equity partner with me. She now runs all my agency operations. She got our clients 30 million views last month (Thats a million agency views per day),” he said, listing her accomplishments after he hired her.
Fateh said that he had a message to all hiring managers for how they should approach. “I’ve always said: 99% of all jobs can be taught. Laiba is living proof of this. Hiring managers. Your best hire won’t be the person with the shiniest resume. It’ll be the person whose willing to learn. Give people a chance,” he wrote. (Also read: Canadian woman dismissed from Tim Hortons for criticising hiring of only Indians)
The post garnered over 3,000 likes and was flooded by user who rained praises on the founder for taking an unusual and compassionate approach to hiring.
“No doubt, a great manager who is open-minded and willing to teach knows gold, even if it’s inside a rock. The hunger to grow, learn, and improve should be a must when hiring. You never know, that person with no experience might grow to become your best employee. You can groom your best person by using patience, guidance, and support. A good manager doesn’t just see what someone is today, but what they can become tomorrow,” wrote on user.
“And this is why you hire for character. The ones who are willing to put in the work are the best! I didn’t even have a resume or know anything about social media marketing when I got hired. She skipped the resume and went straight to delivering impact! I mean isn’t that what a hiring manager should be looking for?” read another comment. (Also read: ‘I’m the HR guy’: Deepinder Goyal reveals he personally handles Zomato hirings)
